There are certain times, when you have no other option but to look for outsourcing extra manpower for your work. It is hard to work on every detailed project of your company, single handedly. You have limited time and limited resources to cover up massive work. Therefore, it is during such instances, when you have to work on the best manpower recruitment services. And for that, relying on a reputed company is a clever choice.
It feels immense pleasure introducing JewelsHire as one of the leading HR consultancy & Manpower Supply Company.
We have rich experience in hiring & man-power supply.
We take care of all verticals of the jewellery industry e.g. CAD, Manual Designers, PD, Graphic Designers, Ecommerce, Production (from GM to Skilled Workers), QC, Accounts, Sales & Marketing etc.
Skilled or Unskilled whatever it is, We are champions in the jewellery & diamond sector, As we have a total experience of 22 years!